A downloadable game for Windows and Android
How to Play For Mobile:
- Touch the screen to the left or right to make the monkey jump from one tree to another.
- Some monkeys have skills. To use a skill, there will be a button at the top-left or top-right corner to activate it.
- Collect Power-ups. You need to collect 3 of them to unlock the ability to use the skill.
How to Play For PC
- Press Space to change characters.
- Press Space to jump from one side of the tree to the other.
- Collect Power-ups. You need to collect 3 of them to unlock the ability to use the skill.
พิวรรธน์ ชัชวาลพรมราช (Programmer)
สุพิชญา ภูมิดี (Game Designer, Doc)
ภูริณัฐ คุ้มเรือน (Game Designer, Doc)
นันทวัฒน์ ธิชาญ (Game Designer, Art)
1. Pixel Jungle Monkey
2. Free Swamp
It is part of the course Mobile Game Design and Development
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